So after giving up on them for a night or two in frustration I began thinking of what else would work for them. In that though process I turned to one of my favorite book series of all time for inspiration, the sword of truth novels. In the novels there are a group of torturers called the mord sith. Their whole purpose is to capture the enemies of their lord and either simply remove them or get specific information from them. For those who have read the book I know thats not entirely accurate but I don't want to ruin it for others that might read it. Anyway one aspect of this group of enslavers and torturers that always stood out to me was that they would wear white leather as a sign that had complete control over their charges and that they would not have to spill the charges blood to keep them that way. Since the blood would show up on the white leather its a great mark of shame for any blood to appear on the white leather of the mord sith.
Now normally dark eldar wear flayed skins around their waists but this seemed to go against the whole "not getting gore on your armor" idea I was going with here. So I decided to paint it up as regular cloth. I went with purple just to give them a bit more color and help to not overdue the gold. The hair color was literary picked by asking others what general color would go good. After hearing blue from a good friend of mine (who's also a terrific artist) I gather together all my blue paint and grabbed a bottle at random. I'm happy with the way the hair turned out more or less.
The good:
- I was able to make the trim along the shoulder pad and legs fairly uniform and I think it turned out well
- The hair with the wash to give it some darker tones looks very nice when contrasted to her armor
- The detailing along the scabbard for the knife at her back worked better then I thought it would have
The bad:
- With the exception of the boots I originally tried a pure white washed with black and that did not work out at all. The armor looks messy, not off white. I tried something new on the boots to create a more uniform off white and it looks much better
- I still cant get the dark eldar pale gray ish skin tone down right. The one here is not bad but its not what I'm looking for
- The dry brushing of bolt-gun metal on the rifle was a bit to heavy to get the desired effect
- The model is not "done" its as done as it will be before it is stripped down and redone at a later date. this was a prototype to see if my scheme would look good... and it does!
questions, comments suggestions I would love to hear them!
See you in the webway!