Well they might not be dark eldar but contrary to the title of this blog isn't sole about them either :). So as great as the powers of chaos are I haven't been having fun with my chaos warriors army. They were just to dry, to stale. There wasn't anything I could really add that felt like it gave the army any pop or pazzaz. So I've decided to shelve them for now (or at least not buy anything more for them) in exchange for some vampire counts, BLEIGH!! (Yes I'm a fan of magicka, if you haven't played it go do so!).

Now anyone who plays vampire counts can probably tell you Skellies might not be the best choice but honestly, I don't care. The ghouls from GW look stupid, and their fluff is just bad! If I was ever going to field a ghoul centric army I would have to use the ones from Mantic and I'm not sure how my FLGS would take that. Neither here no there because I have skellies! For me these guys are the exact opposite of ghouls. Their fluff is good (though really its hard to screw up fluff for skeletons). I think the models are fantastic, and while they might not be as powerful as ghouls are I think they'll do well enough.
So these are the first five skeletons I've painted for my new army. I personally think they look great and the technique was stupid easy. I picked it up from one of the tutorials at vampirecounts.net but it basically goes, Khemi brown base coat, a thick coat of devlan mud, bleached bone dry brush (I thought the bleached bone was a bit to dark for what I wanted so I did one dry brush of pure bleached bone and one of 50:50 bleached bone and skull white), Then use bleached bone to pick out the more predominant areas like the skull, arms, knee caps, ect. Then a very Very VERY light dry brush of pure skull white. Use a bit of devlan mud to darken up specific areas like the eye sockets and knees then paint up the armor and your done.
So I hope you all enjoy these models, I know I had fun painting them!
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