So the main thing that went wrong here was that I was a bit of a moron and didn't think of how the varnish I used would obscure the clear plastic canopy of the venom. So this brave dark eldar pilot gets to fly with frosted glass as I learn for my next venoms to leave the canopy off until after its been varnished, then glue it on.
Other then this Venom I haven't been up to much. Got a new dark eldar list that has been doing well so far but I haven't had enough games yet to be comfortable with the list. It still feels off to me, like wearing your shoes on the wrong feet. I cant just look at the table and know exactly what I have to do with each unit like my old list. Overall though its a fun and powerful list that I don't foresee making any major changes to.
On the fantasy side of the street I have been participating in a Warhammer escalation league game at my FLGS. Its been a lot of fun and two things have come out of it for me. 1)I'm soooooo burnt out on warhammer fantasy after all the games I've been playing. and 2)Warriors of chaos while powerful are very uninspiring as an army for me. Seriously, they have one tactic. Walk across the board, crush face. Sure you can get some magic in there or maybe some different units to try to change up the way you crush face but its still the same thing. And I get very jealous watching my opponents set up these grand plays employing bait units, allies of death, flank set ups and the like and I don't have enough units to try and do the same. So after this league is over the warriors are gonna be swapped out for some vampire counts who where my second choice when I first started warhammer. I'm not sure if the warriors are just gonna get shelved or will be sacrificed to the chaos god known as eBay to fund my vampire project.
See you round the webway
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